Sarah did an excellent job guiding our team through a recent team-building workshop. Despite many challenges, MIFH really shines, but medical work is still overwhelming. It was, therefore, quite helpful to have a few hours devoted to looking at how we are taking care of ourselves and each other. To take the time to acknowledge group strengths is actually quite strengthening! Learning breathing exercises and how to acknowledge each other with a smile and a nod helped demonstrate how we can increase awareness of support without having to 'do' anything - which is necessary in an already stressed environment. Since the workshop, I have noticed folks going out of their way to smile at each other, stop and check-in and acknowledge each other’s hard work. In short, Sarah was upbeat, bright and enthusiastic (but not overly so) and it was a warm, engaging, re-energizing workshop. This hit the mark!
– K.J. Nurse Practitioner, Montpelier Integrative Family Medicine, Central Vermont Medical Center, University of Vermont Health Network